Homicide Co-Victims 


Survivors of Homicide 

Homicide co-victims are individuals who experience profound emotional, psychological, and sometimes financial impacts due to the murder of someone close to them. These co-victims are family members of the deceased, who must cope with the trauma of losing someone to violence. They often face complex grief, compounded by the sudden and violent nature of the loss, as well as potential legal proceedings, media attention, and societal stigmas. The aftermath of homicide often leave co-victims struggling with feelings of anger, depression, guilt, and isolation.

 Casualties of Homicide Society provides assistance to an immediate family member within 14 days of death notification.


How Are They Affected

Sadly, Co-Victims experience the same journey as victims of violent crime. However we are often not recognized as crime victims and are rarely acknowledged in society, although we are effected in greater numbers.  

The Aftermath

in the days or weeks following, a life altering impact of intense feelings of trauma, hardship and loss follow. As a result of these crimes.

In most cases, each homicide committed can leave behind 7 - 10 close relatives, friends,neighbors and co-workers.

Casualties Of Homicide Society

Here, we have a greater understanding 

of the challenges that lie ahead

Additional Support

Co-Victims At Risk

Survivors are at risk of developing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other problems where extreme anxiety could arise. Support and counseling can be helpful in managing these overwhelming emotions.


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